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London Baby!!

25 Aug

On Friday The Boyfriend and I took a little trip up to London, it was an absolutely brilliant day for so many reasons. So instead of boring you with all the details I shall just give you some of the funniest snippets and a few of my favourite photos from the day 🙂

  • The Boyfriend found more reason to take the mickey out of me. We were talking about my sisters upcoming party (for which I am joint party planner) we were discussing the drinks she was planning to serve when I innocently made a remark, something along the lines of…’Well, you can even get potato vodka can’t you!’…I didn’t know vodka comes from potatoes but in my defense I rarely drink/don’t know too much about alcohol and its production processes, but apparently its has caused Boyfriend much amusement that I did not know this fact and he now delights in telling anyone we see.

    Nelsons Column

  • What I found funny was that I had unintentionally* dressed as a schoolgirl…and walking around with an almost drunk schoolgirl made The Boyfriend look a bit suspect :-s

    The 'MissSearles School Girl' look

  • Wine gets me tipsy very, very quickly…Boyfriend also found this very funny too.

Portrait Gallery

  • The main reason for the trip was to go and see Avenue Q which was fan-bloody-tastic, soo much better than everyone had said! I don’t think I stopped laughing the whole time. One of the other reasons to go to London was so that I could go into Selfridges and see their Christmas shop where I had heard they were selling life-sized stuffed Donkeys. After much searching and finally giving up and asking a sales assistant where the famed Donkeys were I was informed that they wouldn’t be in store for another few months…I was most disappointed 😦 But Boyfriend said we could go back before Christmas to see them 🙂

Trafalgar Square

  • I tried to get to grips with the Night function on my camera whilst walking around St James’s Park, unfortunately it was more dusk than night-time and the use of the Night function and flash resulted in pictures of Zombie Geese

Zombie Geese

*When I say unintentionally I mean that the outfit was probably fine before I swapped the black top I was planning to wear for a white one and then decide to take my grey blazer as a jacket just in case it got cold lol

Tickets of Doom!!! (52/365)

21 Aug

Sooo tired…

feet hurt…

worn out from walking around London yesterday…

So you have a photo of our train tickets as the Project 365 photo today…


Yes it is a cop-out…

No I don’t care…

…because they are relevant to today…

…because they’re the reason I ache…

…because I had to walk to the tube stations…

No it doesn’t make sense…

Stop judging me…if my legs didn’t hurt so much I would kick you…

The tale of the Mysogynistic bowling ball aka I SUCK at bowling (41/365)

10 Aug

Last night the Hottie and I went bowling. He had said that he was pretty rubbish at bowling, which is great for me because I’m usually ok at it so I thought I would be able to kick his ass and do another happy dance.

Turns out I SUCK at bowling

Who’da thunk it huh? Considering I’m so amazingly good at most other things *ahem*

I came up with many an excuse explination as to why I failed to beat the boyfriend into submission;

  1. The lanes were wonky
  2. The pins were magnetized and therefore stuck to the lane
  3. My jeans were too baggy
  4. The shoes felt funny
  5. I was drunk (ok, maybe I wasn’t drunk but I was slightly tipsy!)
  6. I was letting him win

None of these excuses explinations really seemed to fly with him so I have come up with this…


I can’t bowl and its all because the bowling balls are misogynistic, girly hand hating stupid bowling balls!

**Ummm…I had planned to take a daily picture whilst at the bowling alley but I kinda forgot, I was too busy being crap at bowling, so instead I drew you a picture and then took a photo of it…it totally counts as a daily photo, honest!**

I’m still alive…And apparently some people think I talk too much!(38/365)

7 Aug

I’m still alive, Heathers worries about my impending doom were unfounded and I had a really great time last night ice skating with Hottie*. I’m very proud to say that I didn’t fall over once and make a prat of myself, I’m thinking I may go pro in time for the next Winter Olympics 🙂

Hottie text me yesterday to say that he had gotten me a little present! How sweet is this…


…he says he never believed our friend when he warned him that I talked alot, thankfully he’s not keen on peace and quiet and likes that I talk alot!

Anyway I’m off out to see him again tonight 🙂

*Happy Dance*

*Hopefully if things keep going as well as they have been I can actually start calling him by his real name or some other appropriate term…such as ‘The Boyfriend’ :-)…but at the moment Hottie is apt…very apt……and he can sing and play guitar…*swoon*